
Every goal we set is important.

With the 2020 election less than a year away and national Republicans consolidating support behind one of my opponents, the stakes are higher than ever.

Unfortunately, we weren't able to meet our goal last month -- so we'll have to close the gap in December.

Everything we're working toward is at risk if frontline Democrats like me don't begin preparing for our re-election now. I know you understand how important it is to continue ensuring the issues that working Americans care about are prioritized -- combating climate change, raising the minimum wage for all hard-working Americans, protecting and expanding access to health care, implementing common-sense gun reform, and more.

Nothing makes me prouder than being able to wake up every morning and fight for Coloradans. I don't take money from corporate PACs, so I always rely on my community of grassroots supporters to power this campaign -- and we'll have to stay on track to continue meeting goals.

Thank you for putting your trust in me to fight for you in Congress. I promise to work every day to make life better for every Coloradan.


P.S. If you can help this campaign get a head start on December, chip in today to help make it happen.

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