& what’s next on the agenda:
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John, thanks to this grassroots team, the NDRC has accomplished a lot since our founding in 2017. But our work is far from over!

That’s why we wanted to take a moment to show our top supporters where we’ve been over the past few years and where our work is headed next. If you’re ready to donate toward the next phase of our work, you can do that here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/ndrc-stillinfight

The Victories

Throughout this redistricting cycle, the NDRC has led a comprehensive strategy to stop Republicans from gerrymandering their way into power. This involved supporting fair-maps Democrats in elections between 2017 and 2020, mobilizing communities to engage in advocacy, and, with our affiliates, supporting voters in lawsuits – and it was a huge success.

As a result of our efforts, 75% of the states now have fair congressional maps, and Democrats are in a much stronger position than we were after the 2010 redistricting cycle. That’s worth celebrating!

The Challenges

Despite our gains, Republican gerrymanderers have been relentless in their quest to manipulate maps. Just look at the mess in Florida.

Originally, a judge struck down Governor DeSantis’ gerrymandered map as an unconstitutional attack on the power of Black voters. But the rigged map has since been put back into effect, and Florida’s Supreme Court has declined to take action against it at this time.

This fiasco serves as a clear reminder of why the next phase of our work is so critical.

The Next Phase

Because of where we’ve been, we know what we need to do next: Help win the fight for fair maps.

That’s why, for the next stage of our work, we’ve announced an initial slate of Democracy Targets where we’ll make investments to help elect pro-democracy candidates, defeat map-manipulating politicians, and stop the GOP from stacking state courts.

Thanks to you, we’ve come a long way in our fight for fairness and against gerrymandering. If you’re ready to stick with us for the work ahead, then please, make a quick donation now: