This summer is particularly special…

Maura Healey for Governor

Hey there, it’s Megan from Team Healey!

Today officially marks the start of summer ☀️ And this summer is particularly special because it leads us right into Maura’s big primary election.

Our team isn’t going to waste a single day of this perfect summer weather – we’ll be too busy walking in parades, meeting voters at community events and farmers markets, and knocking on lots of doors.

Along the way, we’ll be handing out tons of stickers and buttons so everyone we meet can show their Team Healey pride. We’re about to place a big order, so I’m reaching out to our dedicated supporters to ask: will you chip in $6 today? We need about $1,700 to cover the printing costs, and every little bit helps!

Help us make stickers and buttons

To win this race and get Maura elected Governor, we’re running a bigger campaign than we ever have before. There’s a lot that goes into building a strong team like this, but I think our guiding campaign principles sum it up perfectly:

Maura believes in our state.
Maura believes in our people.
And Maura knows we can move forward if we bring people together.

To do that we have to reach voters all across the state – which means we’re going to have a very busy summer! We can’t wait to get out there, share why Maura’s the best choice for Governor, and give out tons of stickers and buttons.

Will you chip in $6 (or more!) so we can order a huge batch of stickers and buttons?

Thank you!

Maura’s Finance Director