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Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Wednesday 24 July


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Secularism in the media


Independent expert to help Government with Islamophobia definition

The Government has appointed an independent expert to lead the process towards a formal definition of Islamophobia after faith leaders, academics and politicians warned that free speech could be at risk. The letter of opposition to Home Secretary Sajid Javid co-signed by NSS is referenced.

Christian Today


Premier showcases Boris Johnson's statements on Christianity

Premier highlights statements made by Boris Johnson, who will become Prime Minister today, regarding Christianity. They include his opposition to the NSS campaign to end parliamentary prayers.



Islamic cemetery plan brought forward amid local opposition

Contentious plans to create a Muslim cemetery in Coventry have been brought forward.

Coventry Live


'My soulmate killed himself after his family said he needed to be 'cured' of being gay'

Matt Mahmood-Ogston said some gay people were still being forced into straight marriages by relatives in religious communities.

Birmingham Mail


Gay marriage and abortion: Why are there different laws in Northern Ireland?

A bill bringing laws more in line with the rest of the UK, where access to abortion is easier and same-sex marriage is legal, has passed its final stage in Westminster.

BBC News


Priest ignored church bequest and gave money to local faith school

Solicitors for the deceased wrote to Cameron Butland in 2011, when he was rector of St Oswald's, and asked for the church's charity number, but he instead provided the charity number for the Grasmere Church of England School Trust, of which he was a trustee.

The Times


Far-right extremism to be included in official terror warnings alongside Islamist threat for first time

The growing threat from "extreme right-wing" terrorism will be included in official threat-level warnings for the first time, the home secretary has announced.

The Independent


Almost half of UK Muslims have never used 'Sharia-compliant' finance

Almost half of Muslim consumers have never used 'Shariah-compliant' products, research from shariah-compliant bank Gatehouse has revealed.

Mortgage Introducer


Plans by Catholic church to build homes in 'area of outstanding natural beauty' criticised

Villagers are said to be "in uproar" over an outline planning application to build on almost three and a half acres of undeveloped land in Mullion, Cornwall.

The Packet


Rock band to cancel Lebanon gig following threats from Christian groups

Lebanese alternative rock band Mashrou' Leila are being pressured to cancel an appearance in their home country by conservative Christian groups.

Pink News


Latest from the NSS


Government admits it’s struggled to define extremism

The government has "struggled" to define extremism, the home secretary has said.


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