In the Media, our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, is one of the most popular features on our website and now available delivered to your inbox.
The Government has appointed an independent expert to lead the process towards a formal definition of Islamophobia after faith leaders, academics and politicians warned that free speech could be at risk. The letter of opposition to Home Secretary Sajid Javid co-signed by NSS is referenced.
Premier highlights statements made by Boris Johnson, who will become Prime Minister today, regarding Christianity. They include his opposition to the NSS campaign to end parliamentary prayers.
A bill bringing laws more in line with the rest of the UK, where access to abortion is easier and same-sex marriage is legal, has passed its final stage in Westminster.
Solicitors for the deceased wrote to Cameron Butland in 2011, when he was rector of St Oswald's, and asked for the church's charity number, but he instead provided the charity number for the Grasmere Church of England School Trust, of which he was a trustee.
The growing threat from "extreme right-wing" terrorism will be included in official threat-level warnings for the first time, the home secretary has announced.
Villagers are said to be "in uproar" over an outline planning application to build on almost three and a half acres of undeveloped land in Mullion, Cornwall.
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