
There are many contenders in the race for Southwest Washington, but none are as dedicated to our region as Jaime. In fact, while others spend their time on the attack or worried about social media fame, Jaime has been hard at work defending Southwest Washington values in Congress.

Jaime has supported our police as they deal with funding shortfalls and dangerous “abolish” and “defund” movements, she’s been a champion for local businesses, and has done everything in her power to protect our wallets from outrageous tolling schemes and higher taxes. Jaime is focused on our priorities in Congress because she has supporters like you in her corner.
We deserve leaders like Jaime - leaders who care about the district they represent and each and every citizen who lives here. She’s worked tirelessly in Congress to keep Southwest Washington a great place to live, work, and raise a family. Now, she’s asking for your support as she continues her efforts to preserve our region.

For Southwest Washington,
Team Jaime
Jaime for Congress
PO Box 1614
Ridgefield, WA 98642
Copyright © 2021 Jaime for Congress, All rights reserved. 
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