While the government is busy doing politics as usual, the Green Party is standing up for what matters. Open for more!



While the government is busy doing politics as usual, the Green Party is standing up for what matters. Jenny Jones is fighting for a Clean Air Bill, which aims to protect people against air pollution by enshrining the right to clean air. Caroline Lucas is holding the government to account on the Rwanda deportations. Scroll for more about what Greens are doing to put people and planet first all over England and Wales 🔽


On Clean Air Day, Green peer Jenny Jones joined Sky News to talk about ‘Ella’s law’ - her bid to make clean air a Human Right.

In the Commons last week, Caroline Lucas slammed the Tories' immoral Rwanda deportation plan saying a “moral response would be to provide safe and legal routes". Caroline also wrote for the Metro on the “inhumanity, inaction, and incompetence” of the Home Office.

Molly Scott Cato, Green Party finance and economy spokesperson, criticised the government over publication of legislation to breach the Northern Ireland protocol. She warned, "the UK government is showing itself to be an untrustworthy partner as well as undermining peace in Northern Ireland."

The New Statesman released a podcast providing a fascinating analysis of how Greens are winning anywhere and everywhere. It refers to some of our newly elected councillors including Nate Higgins in Newham, Alex Catt in Norwich and Tess Read in Exeter.

Deputy leader Amelia Womack wrote for Left Foot Forward on how climate change is leading to our ecosystem “rusting, falling out of sync, or failing to keep turning.” She called for action to “prevent catastrophic climate chaos… rebuild our faltering ecosystems, and create ways of living in sync with the world around us."


Are you joining our action days in Bristol this weekend? Greens have an opportunity to get Carla Denyer elected as the next Green MP and need to get the message out to as many households as possible. We'll be knocking on doors, delivering newsletters, and speaking to residents across Bristol West about the work of Carla and local Green councillors. We'll provide you with a wonderful free lunch, and there will be a social event on the Saturday evening to thank you for all your hard work. Caroline Lucas MP is coming, are you?


Your two Green Peers, Jenny Jones and Natalie Bennett, fight hard against the government's repressive legislative agenda every week. They helped inflict a record 14 defeats on the government during the Police Bill by rallying other opposition parties to do what was right and stand up for our right to protest. The next 12 months is going to be the busiest ever with the government bringing forward 38 badly drafted and regressive bills - more than ever before.


Members of the House of Lords don't get any official funding for staff and so Jenny and Natalie rely on a small part-time team of dedicated staff, funded by donations, to support them in their work. Regular income is crucial to the Green voice in the House of Lords. Can you set up a small monthly donation to support their work to bring positive Green alternatives into parliament?

You can meet Natalie and Jenny virtually 15 July 6pm at Zoom! Register to join here.


Work for the Green Party! We are looking for a Press Officer (Job Share) at Green Party Head Office as well as a Lancaster Campaign Organiser and Campaign Organiser (South East). Find out more and apply here 💚


Thinking of leaving a gift in your will? Leaving a gift in your will to the Green Party will help us fight for people and the planet in years to come. As a Green Party supporter, you can write your will for free here.

-- The Green Party 💚

P.S. We are growing more than ever before, as the only positive alternative that puts people and planet first. Are you a member yet? Join our Green movement today.