![]() Patriot, Back from the dead, another of the Left’s election takeover schemes is scheduled for action on the Senate floor this week. The so-called “Freedom to Vote Act” (S. 2747) is one of several varieties of plans to tear down the few remaining guardrails against election fraud they've pushed this year, and it amounts to a massive, unconstitutional take-over of the elections in all 50 States. You might call it the “Election Fraud Plan B Act” – but it’s hardly any different from Plan A. To wit, the Election Fraud Act (S. 2747) would: >>> Completely overturn state laws requiring ID to
vote; >>> Stuff the voter rolls with “automatic voter registration” to expand access to ballot trafficking; >>> Overturn state laws to require a 15-day “early voting” period, making poll watching and poll challenging practically impossible; >>> Mandate no-reason voting by mail in all 50 states, promoting and enabling vote fraud through the many vulnerabilities of mail-in voting – the aspect of elections most vulnerable to fraud; >>> Seize complete control over congressional redistricting from the states and turn it over to unelected bureaucrats; >>> Make it a federal crime to “attempt to prevent someone from helping someone else to register to vote” – which in a sane world would not be a problem, but in today’s world would almost certainly be abused to bring federal criminal charges against election integrity activists; >>> Force states to implement "drop boxes" for absentee ballots, making it far easier for criminals to commit voter fraud and STEAL elections; >>> Spend your taxpayer dollars to fund the reelection campaigns of career politicians with 6-to-1 matching contributions for small dollar donations. And those are just the top eight. There’s plenty more stuffed in there, all toward the same goal: Remove every last remaining safeguard for secure elections. CONTACT YOUR SENATORS
RIGHT NOW! DEMAND THEY OPPOSE S. 2747, THE ELECTION FRAUD ACT! Putting this bill on the calendar may be a “test balloon” by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. The Democrats may be testing to see whether patriots are still watching them – and if not, it’s their prime opportunity to strike. That’s why you MUST send a message to your U.S. Senators – Democrat or Republican – RIGHT NOW to let them know you are watching and will not stand for the total nationwide destruction of election integrity. What we are facing is nothing less than the theft of our constitutional republic. And the Democrats are doing it, right in plain sight. Patriot, if you and I don’t speak out against this – RIGHT NOW – what message do we send to them with our silence? If we do nothing, to our Republican senators we are saying: “Only a small number of people care about this enough to pay attention.” To our Democrat senators: “The opposition is weak.” This is no time for silence. This is a time to speak out like never before. CONTACT YOUR SENATORS
RIGHT NOW! DEMAND THEY OPPOSE S. 2747, THE ELECTION FRAUD ACT! The good news is, thanks to the support of patriots like you, Campaign for Liberty has successfully blocked passage of the Democrats' numerous election-takeover schemes. But the battle is far from over, and this week is a red alert. It only takes one moment of weakness in the U.S. Senate for every left-wing election scam to become massively easier to commit. And don’t think for a minute this can’t pass because Republicans can stop it with a filibuster. . . With Senate Republicans working with Democrats on gun control, they’ve proven once again they can’t be trusted to do the right thing! And as I am sure you will agree, everything is on the line in 2022. We’re fighting on all fronts. The truth is, we simply can't fight everywhere at once against the statists’ radical schemes without your support. We have no George Soros. We are Ron Paul’s movement, and it has only ever been the support of patriots like you that keeps us going. So, after you co-sign the Campaign for Liberty letter to your senators demanding they OPPOSE the latest Left-wing election fraud scheme, please make your most generous contribution to Campaign for Liberty. We never, ever sell or give away your personal information, and we redact your email address in letters to Congress. It only takes seconds to make your voice heard. And if you follow up with a contribution of $30, $50, $100, or what you can today, your information is secure with us. We will never disclose our donors to the IRS. Please click here to DEMAND your U.S. Senators OPPOSE S. 2747, the Election Fraud Act. CONTACT YOUR SENATORS
RIGHT NOW! DEMAND THEY OPPOSE S. 2747, THE ELECTION FRAUD ACT! Thanks for all you do for Liberty, John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. A Senate vote this week is all it would take to overturn election integrity laws in all 50 states. Click here to DEMAND your U.S. Senators OPPOSE S. 2747, the Election Fraud Act. And then, please support Campaign for Liberty to help us keep up the fight! ![]() If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American
principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education,
issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |