Ongoing summer emergency
June 21, 2022
Dear John,
I am writing to you and a few other of our most faithful followers and donors.
We are facing very tough times, both with policy and finances.
The Biden administration has become extremely aggressive and even dangerous.
UN agencies are going on a rampage against the family and the unborn child.
And C-Fam is well behind in raising necessary funds to battle Biden and the UN.
In fact, we are $35,000 down and we need your help right now to catch up so we can fight the Biden administration and powerful UN agencies.
FACT: The European Parliament has voted a resolution attacking the United States for possibly overturning our federal abortion regime.
FACT: The World Health Organization has produced guidelines on “reproductive health” that was written by the most radical abortion groups in the world. The guidelines include abortion-on-demand AND abortions performed by non-medical personnel.
FACT: The Biden administration proposed turning over huge parts of the American healthcare system to the World Health Organization. Do you like having to work with your insurance company on every little thing? Imagine having the World Health Organization setting the rules!
FACT: The Biden administration just issued a new Executive Order that will include a global campaign to ban therapy for unwanted same-sex attraction.
FACT: The Biden administration has included abortion in the annual human rights report issued by the U.S. State Department and will now also include the banning of “conversion therapy” in this country reporting requirement.
These are ongoing crises that C-Fam alone must meet. The thing is, C-Fam is one of the only pro-life groups that work on international issues. Almost all pro-life groups work on domestic issues, especially now that Roe v. Wade may be overturned.
And C-Fam is practically alone on the wall!
In the coming weeks, the UN will meet in what’s called the High-Level Political Meeting. C-Fam funding is down $35,000. This is quite a lot to us! At this moment we are only four people full-time.
So, I ask you to prayerfully consider your biggest gift ever!