
(1) seat away.

That’s right. The Republican Party is only O N E seat away from flipping the United States Senate from Democrat to Republican control.

Restoring President Trump’s Majority in the Senate is one of the ONLY ways our country can adequately fight back and protect America from the far-left agenda of Joe Biden and Raphael Warnock.

Just look at the horrible crime spiking in our cities, Biden’s outrageous inflation (GAS AND FOOD PRICES), and the raging crisis at the southern border.

With Republicans BACK in control of the Senate, we will be the backstop to FIGHT against these failures and bring back common sense to Washington.

The critical One Seat Away Fund is absolutely ESSENTIAL to these efforts, so we’re calling on top patriots like you, Patriot, to bolster the One Seat Away Fund to restore our Majority.

Please contribute ANY AMOUNT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to strengthen the Official One Seat Away Fund and help restore our Republican Majority in the United States Senate. >>

I wouldn’t ask for your support if it wasn’t necessary. But with Raphael Warnock’s MEGA- HOLLYWOOD donors flooding the state of Georgia with MILLIONS of their dollars, I need the support from every American patriot, like YOU.

Please chip in ANY AMOUNT RIGHT AWAY to bolster the Official One Seat Away Fund and STOP the Far-Left’s agenda that is destroying our country.

Thank you,

Herschel Walker

Republican Senate Nominee for Georgia



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Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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