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EGLE?s Air Quality Division provides new resources for permit applicants
An air permit is needed for any process emitting air pollution. Completing an air permit application can be challenging. The Air Quality Division has created a new webpage highlighting resources to help applicants through the permit application process. Applying for an air permit is not just filling out the application form. A good quality application includes the form and a variety of additional technical information. All of this information, submitted together, creates an administratively complete application. New resources provide details to ensure permit applications are more likely to be considered administratively complete. An administratively complete application can help speed up the permitting timeline for applicants.
The air permit application webpage includes the application form, the Practical Guide to Completing an Air Permit Application, video training modules to guide an applicant through important parts of the application, and links to a variety of other technical guidance.
Video tutorials include:
Module 1:? Introduction to Air Pollution Regulatory Agencies
This introductory module sets the stage for the permitting authority EGLE?s Air Quality Division has and how the Division works with other agencies.
Module 2:? Key Air Quality Concepts and Terms
This important module lays the groundwork for the remaining lessons by defining key terms and concepts. These terms and concepts are used throughout the remaining modules and being familiar with them will aid in understanding.
Module 3:? Air Permit to Install (PTI) Applicability
This module walks the user through when a permit may be required and how a facility should look at installation, modification, and reconstruction to determine if an air permit is needed.
Module 4:? Filling Out the Application Form
Although filing out the application form (Microsoft Word?or?Adobe Acrobat) may seem simple, watching this module will make sure you do it right the first time.?
Module 5:? Completing Additional Support Information
One of the most complex parts of the permit application is ensuring all of the supporting documentation is submitted with the application form. Knowing what you need to submit and how to submit it is key to turning in an administratively complete application. This module talks about how to do that while focusing on key points of that supplemental information:? emission calculation, the regulatory discussion, and air toxics.
Module 6:? Application Review Process
After you submit your application, Air Quality Division permit engineers and other air quality staff will do a thorough review of your application and develop permit conditions based on the information you provided.? Understanding how this process works and the time it may take, as well as why some permits require?public comment, can be an important part of your planning process.
Module 7:? Air Toxics Evaluation in Detail (long version)
This module will take an in-depth look at the air toxics portion of your application. The module expands on information presented in?Module 5.3?where you can learn, in greater detail, the rules around air toxics and permitting. You will see examples using the?air toxics spreadsheet?and you will learn about the importance of this information is providing a complete application.
And for even more technical guidance, check out?A Deep Dive into Air Permitting?webinar series.
If you have questions about a permit application or how to find guidance, please contact the Clean Air Assistance Program at 800-662-9278.