Hello rebel,
Your support, campaigns, and donations have helped to make Extinction Rebellion a truly global movement.
To thank you, XR Global Support is giving you a copy of the Endangered Animals Colouring Book.
Free to download and share for a limited time, it features animals on the endangered species list from every continent. It is both a celebration of natures’ richness and a reminder of how easily that wealth can be lost.
But while we give you this book for free, we ask those who can to give us a donation in return.
Because while the fossil fuel industry pours billions into climate denialism, XR Global Support survives on the generosity of its donors, and we need you more than ever.
XR Global Support is the international hub of our movement, keeping rebels connected, secure, and able to organise from Brazil to Indonesia, and Kenya to Colombia.
We provide green-powered infrastructure and finance to thousands of rebels across 86 countries.
Enjoy the book, share it with your friends and family, and help keep Extinction Rebellion diverse and sustainable. Please donate now to XR Global Support.
Love & rage,
XR Global Support
This email is brought to you by XR Global Support, a worldwide network of rebels who help XR chapters grow. Check out our website, learn more about our movement, and connect with rebels in your local area.