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America’s modern addiction to the big stick

By Monica Duffy Toft on Jun 21, 2022 03:42 am

The history of US interventions shows that Washington's 'first use' policy of military force is a relatively recent phenomenon.
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Ukraine minister Kuleba accuses critics of being ‘enablers of Putin’

By Anatol Lieven on Jun 20, 2022 03:00 am

His fury is understandable given the destruction his country has endured, but it can't become the basis for US strategy.
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How do regular Russians feel about the war in Ukraine?

By Daniel Freeman on Jun 17, 2022 03:34 am

There are fault lines running just below the majority support for Putin. But that doesn't mean the West should try to exploit them.
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Will new US-Israel-Arab security pacts leave Iran with a bad hand?

By Roxane Farmanfarmaian on Jun 16, 2022 03:30 am

The winners and losers of this latest round of Middle East poker will depend on how each country plays its cards.
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Itinerary: Palestinians will get the pop-in treatment and little else from Biden trip

By Mitchell Plitnick on Jun 15, 2022 06:30 am

Campaign promises prove to be just that, as the administration prioritizes Israel-Gulf State security over dwindling prospects for peace.
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