what a start to the week! No images? Click here Virginia votes today! Next Tuesday we have big primary days in Colorado, Illinois, New York, Oklahoma, and Utah!The master of "evidence in plain sight"Remember when Adam Schiff repeated over and over again that her had the evidence of Trump/Russia collusion? Well, he is back making a similar claim to January 6th. Even CNN wasn't buying it! American moral compass in decay?A recent survey found that half of the respondents rated "American moral values" as poor. This won't change the importance of the culture war to the liberal politicians, but maybe they just need to be voted out of office. Insider trading never looked so goodA congresswoman who supports banning congressional stock trading recently went in big for the green energy industry. Do what she says, not what she does? The courage to protect women athletesRecognizing what any person with an IQ above 40 already knew the swimming governing body has put in a total ban on men competing in women's sports. I'm actually surprised it took this long. Woke Disney flops at the Box OfficeIt seems as though average Americans don't want anything to do with the new Buzz Lightyear movie. I'm not planning on wasting my money either. Federal gas tax holiday?Joe Biden recently said that a decision on the gas tax holiday could be made this week. He is really counting on us to be stupid to not see through this gimmick. Your Funny of the Day!
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