We hope you’ve been watching Tucker Carlson Tonight to stay up to speed on the latest in news, politics, and current events.
In case you missed it, there was a great segment the other night—check out the clip below!
January 6th committee hearing was campaign propaganda scripted by the Democratic Party
From Tucker’s monologue:
“Every news network in this country, but this one, faithfully surrendered its entire primetime lineup to Nancy Pelosi. So in place of news coverage, people who tuned in got two straight hours of unedited campaign propaganda scripted by the Democratic Party. The effect was North Korean–every channel the same. Nothing like it has ever happened in this country. The news anchors who faithfully did Pelosi’s bidding pretended they were airing some sort of congressional hearing. But they were lying, it was not a hearing. At a hearing, dissent is permitted, the other side can speak, evidence is presented, evidence is not censored or deceptively edited, that’s not allowed. What we saw was definitely not a hearing, it was a show trial.”
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