Aaron Ford for Attorney General


Today is the day our nation marks Juneteenth — the holiday that celebrates the end of slavery in the United States 157 years ago. 

Juneteenth is a reminder of the darkness in our nation’s history, and an important day to retell stories about our past to show where we come from. 

I’ve been reflecting today on my third great grandfather, John Harper, who fought in the Civil War as a member of the 28th Regiment of U.S. Colored Troops. 

He was bravely serving a country that wasn’t even “ours” yet when he was discharged from duty on November 8th, 1865, in Corpus Christie, Texas. Cause of discharge? “Services no longer required.”

In the same year, word of the Emancipation Proclamation reached another third great grandfather, John O’Neal, and my third great grandmother, Ann Carr, in Texas.

These stories are not ancient history. And neither are the injustice and inequality that still plague our nation. So on this Juneteenth, we must recommit ourselves to creating true justice and equality in all of our communities. 

Happy Juneteenth, 
