Summer is here! And Team Lafazan is ramping up our summer campaign. Will you make a donation of $14 now and be a founding member of our summer organizing fund?

We're aiming to raise $8500 in the next 10 days to organize interns and volunteers and get them knocking on doors!


We're counting on you to help us build our movement. And since our race is a certified toss-up – one of the closest districts in the nation – voters need to hear our unifying message now more than ever. I've won several races in a district that Donald Trump carried. And I'm ready to do it again this year.

Now with the primary scheduled for August, July will be one of the most critical months of our campaign.

Early voting starts in just 54 days, and the election is only 10 days after that. That means we only have the next few weeks to build a powerhouse grassroots campaign and share our message with voters across the district.

Already, 115 interns have signed on to be a part of Team Lafazan, and the list keeps growing.

Can you chip in $14 now, be a founding member of our summer organizing fund, and help us hit that $8500 goal by June 30? Help us build the grassroots movement big enough to reach every voter!

More to come,


Express Donate:

If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, we'll process your contribution instantly:

$5 $15 $25 $50