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Support LGBTQ Students on Giving Tuesday!

Can LGBTQ youth count on your support this #GivingTuesday?

2019 has been a year of unprecedented challenges for LGBTQ students, their allies, and GLSEN.

We’ve seen systematic attacks from the Trump administration—targeted legal assaults on the protections for LGTBQ educators—along with a concrete rise in hate crimes and anti-LGBTQ violence.

This is a step backwards for our country and LGBTQ students are feeling the impact: According to GLSEN’s most recent National School Climate Survey, about 60% of LGBTQ students felt unsafe at school and nearly 90% experienced harassment or assault.

Making a donation to GLSEN is one of the most powerful actions you can take on behalf of LGBTQ youth—and today on #GivingTuesday we’re asking for your support.

GLSEN’s mission takes on new meaning in today’s troubling climate. As we defend 30 years of progress, we need a rapid expansion on both national and local levels. This is urgent work dedicated to ensuring the fundamental safety of 8 million LGBTQ students.

GLSEN can only be there when LGBTQ students need us most with your help, please make a special #GivingTuesday gift today.