We know that passionate IRC supporters like you care deeply about refugees and helping those displaced.
International Rescue Committee
John, today is World Refugee Day, and after a year of emergencies and ongoing crises — from Ukraine, to Afghanistan, to Yemen — we're reflecting on the rapidly growing need to help refugees forced to flee their homes.

We know that passionate IRC supporters like you care deeply about refugees and helping those displaced. We want to make sure supporters like you are up to date on the latest facts. Let us know if you think this figure is fact or fiction:
More than 100 million people are currently displaced — the highest number ever recorded.


Thank you for standing with refugees around the world. It's people like you who make our work possible: helping people affected by the worst humanitarian crises survive, recover and regain control of their futures.

— Hank, IRC

P.S. We're now on TikTok! Give us a follow and share our new TikTok videos with your friends. »

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