Hi Friend,

Today kicks off National Women’s Sports Week… a week to recognize female athletes — past, present, and future — for their athletic participation and achievement in sport. 

Independent Women’s Forum registered the week to celebrate female athletes and underscore the need for single-sex competition. The inaugural 2022 National Women’s Sports Week occurs June 20-26 and coincides with the 50th anniversary of Title IX, landmark legislation passed in 1972. 

Title IX transformed sports by guaranteeing women and girls the right to equal athletic opportunities. Two in five women now participate in sports, compared to one in 27 prior to Title IX’s passage.
Friend, join us in observing National Women’s Sports Week by:
  • Championing female athletes for their teamwork, resilience, and success.
  • Honoring the coaches and parents who support female athletes.
  • Fighting to ensure the continuation of single-sex athletic competition.
Competitive sport is a zero-sum game where some athletes make the cut, and others do not; someone wins, and others lose. In a zero-sum competition, the inclusion of male-bodied athletes in women’s sport inevitably denies opportunities to female athletes. Claims to the contrary deny science, defy logic, and undermine Title IX. 

Get involved on social media and amplify your support of female athletes. 

National Women’s Sports Week is the perfect time to STAND UP for female athletes.

In Celebration,
Independent Women’s Forum