
Free speech is a protected right in public universities. But that doesn’t stop radical administrators from silencing students. 

Organizing Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) chapters on college campuses means dealing with radical administrators every year. And one of the primary rules I’ve learned is this - never give a bureaucrat a chance to say “No” because they will trample on your rights. 


Here’s how Young Americans for Liberty Foundation (“YALF”) successfully defends students’ rights on college campuses

Step 1: Recruit students. YAL chapters recruited over 100,000 students in 2021. However, our pro-liberty, pro-Constitution gear and events often offend radical administrators.

Step 2: Campus police or administrators shut down or block the YAL students from hosting their event or recruiting. 

Step 3: YAL students record every detail of the shutdown and gather as much information as possible, then alert YALF about the issue.

Step 4: YALF works with our partner organizations at the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) and the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) to bring a lawsuit against the university.

Step 5: YALF forces the university to change its policies to protect free speech.

Friend, YALF has successfully protected the right to free speech and 1,572,839 students benefit annually from YALF’s work.

I am building up a war chest to defend the constitutional rights of students on campuses around the country. Every year, their rights are at risk because anti-liberty bureaucrats want to control the right to free thought. 

Can you donate $5, $17.76, $50, or any amount to help student rights on campus? Click here to donate >>

Administrators are extra sensitive to being “offended” this year. Our goal is to raise $100,000 online to support our chapters on college campuses from being suppressed. Your support will be critical to defending their rights. 

There is nothing more satisfying than beating a radical administrator in court who wants to take away the rights of students. 


Please support our defense of the Constitution on college campuses today >>


YALF vs University of Alabama at Huntsville

In 2019, the Alabama legislature passed HB 498 into law. The bill outlawed free speech zones and permits for assembly at Alabama’s public colleges. This law required schools to change their policies by January 1, 2020.

Young Americans for Liberty Inc., YALF’s sister organization, was an integral part of getting HB 498 passed. YAL student activists made calls to leadership, pushing for a vote. YAL’s Hazlitt Coalition member Andrew Sorrell voted for and helped pass the bill in the House.

When 2020 came around, not only had the University of Alabama at Huntsville neglected to remove their requirement to get a permit for protests and demonstrations, but they had added tiny free speech zones to their campus policies. 

Bureaucrats seldom give up their power willingly. 

This was a major violation of the law. The speech zones are barely visible on a campus map. So YALF got to work.

YAL Chapter President Joshua Greer delivered a letter telling UAH to shape up and honor HB 498 by making the entire campus a free speech area. Unfortunately, the University of Alabama at Huntsville doubled down on its policies and told Greer they had made "the appropriate changes" to their campus policies. 

YALF is NOT backing down. 

YAL Chapter President Joshua Greer is suing UAH to defend our Constitutional rights to free speech. 

Friend, this is a crucial request for your help to defend student rights on campus. Can you donate $250, $100, $50, $35, or any amount today? Click here to give >>


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Remember, we never give a bureaucrat a chance to say “No.” They will happily violate our students’ rights. Instead, we at YALF hold them accountable. Please join me in this important fight!

In liberty, 

Young Americans for Liberty, Inc.
Lauren Daugherty

P.S. Take a look at all the schools at which YAL students have fought against cancel culture and WON:



We’ve restored the rights of hundreds of thousands of students. You can help us continue to fight for liberty on college campuses. 
Please click here to donate any amount to help us reach our goal of $100,000 >>

Young Americans for Liberty Foundation is a nonprofit organization formed under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions or gifts to Young Americans for Liberty Foundation are deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. No goods or services are given in exchange for any contribution.