Gov. Evers has been a champion on all of our issues. One of his top priorities as governor has been protecting drinking water – directing resources and initiating policies and programs to address PFAS and lead contamination.
He has also been instrumental in Wisconsin’s transition to clean energy. His creation of the Clean Energy Plan charts the transition to 100 percent clean energy by 2050 while creating thousands of jobs and uplifting communities most harmed by climate change.
Gov. Evers is also fighting to protect the right to vote and Wisconsin’s democracy. He has fought back against a heavily gerrymandered, anti-democracy Republican majority, vetoing every anti-voter bill that made it to his desk.
Re-electing Gov. Evers is our highest priority in November. Your generous gift today will help us organize now to make sure he remains governor.
Without Gov. Evers, Wisconsin’s future would look very dark and our freedom to vote would be in peril. Wisconsin’s re-upped gerrymander means that having Gov. Evers as an ally as governor – and protecting his veto – is more important than ever.
Thank you for your support.