
This #GivingTuesday we have a huge opportunity to build our movement and pass reform, and everything is on the line in 2020.

So chip in and we’ll fight for reform the way only MAYDAY can: By calling out and defeating the biggest corruptors all over the country!

We have some SERIOUSLY big announcements coming soon. And in the meantime, here’s what we’re doing to get ready:

But, in order to make the biggest impact possible, we need to know what our resources will look like.

As you know, we're small donor funded - so even a $5 or $10 donation really helps when everything adds up. In fact, it makes a critical difference in what we're able to do!

Will you chip in so we can finalize our campaign plans for 2020?

Here’s what we’ve been up to recently:

MAYDAY activists and allies are playing a crucial role in defeating the biggest corruptors and fighting for reform. When elected representatives sell out their voters to their big donors, try to suppress the vote, and ignore the will of the people, we’re there to call them out and rally to defeat corruption!

Whether it’s a local group in Northern California using Cleanup Carl to call out their Member of Congress, activists in New York City taking on state reps opposed to public financing, pushing to pass ranked choice voting and empower new candidates, or marching across Pennsylvania to pass a ban on lobbyist gifts, MAYDAY members are there and taking action!

And with your help, we’ll be able to announce our biggest plans yet!

Thank you for all you do,

MAYDAY America


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MAYDAY America
1701 K Street NW, Suite 750
Washington, DC 20006
United States

Paid for by MAYDAY America LLC • Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee •
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