SEEKING SANCUTARY IN GREECE - Aman Safety Campaign Report 2021

Today, STOP THE TRAFFIK celebrates World Refugee Day by launching our first report on the Aman Safety Campaign presenting its work for 2021

Aman Safety is a ground-breaking program that aims to raise awareness and prevent human trafficking. The report titled 'Seeking Sanctuary in Greece', highlights the continued need for accessible information on trafficking and signposted support for vulnerable young people travelling through Europe. The focus of the campaign, which ran throughout 2021, was to provide young people experiencing displacement with information about exploitation, how to keep safe and details for organisations that can provide help and support.

Click here to read the report


Asylum seekers seeking refuge in Greece are extremely vulnerable, especially unaccompanied minors. Through our surveys, answered by refugees and asylum seekers, we found that:
  • 63% did not know about human trafficking or said they had 'heard about it' and wanted to learn more.
  • 52% of the survey respondents had experienced at least one type of exploitation or abuse. We also received comments from young people who identified with the story of trafficking told in the video and said this happened to themselves, or someone they know.
  • 82% of the survey respondents thought that no help or support was available for them, and were unsure where to find it or did not know whom they could trust. In direct messages we received, people said they did not know support organisations existed.


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