Forests or business - who wins when companies pay to protect trees?

A rise in companies sponsoring small Amazon conservation projects has some climate experts warning about a wave of greenwashing

Britain's Rwanda policy: which countries send asylum seekers abroad?

The UK’s plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda is not the first of its kind. From Israel to Australia, several countries have used offshoring policies for refugees and migrants

U.N. nature summit set for Montreal as COVID-hit China steps aside

The COP15 conference, which is due to agree a new global deal to protect biodiversity, has been postponed several times as host nation China grapples with the pandemic

Black farming projects look to recoup historical U.S. land losses

White Americans own 98% of U.S. farmland, advocates say - now rural and urban growers of color are trying to get a fairer share

British Olympic champion Kelly Holmes comes out as gay

Olympic champion Kelly Holmes, who won gold in the 800 and 1,500 metres at the 2004 Games in Athens, said on Saturday she had known she was gay since she was 17.


OPINION: Confronting the new carbon bomb in Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia has chosen its path away from coal but that was not the end of the story

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