December 03, 2019 
Giving Tuesday is the largest global giving day all year and NORML is excited to be a part of this worldwide event! We’ve set a goal to raise $10,000. It'll take everyone to get it done, but the impact your donations will have is going to be incredible.
Year-end giving helps NORML prepare for the coming year, and there’s so much in store for 2020. NORML will celebrate 50 years of reforming marijuana laws. There will be multiple states with ballot initiatives to legalize marijuana. Legislatures across the country will debate and enact marijuana laws. Congress will hold more hearings on marijuana legislation. Presidential candidates will be talking about marijuana more than ever leading up to the November election. We’ve never been busier, and we need your help to make sure NORML has the necessary resources to keep fighting for your personal freedom.
NORML isn’t funded by big business or corporate cannabis. NORML is powered by its members and supporters who give generously and volunteer their time to end America’s failed war on marijuana.
It can feel right now like people have very little in common and it’s hard to connect, but generosity is a universally held value that brings us together. Being generous can make us happier, it can make a difference in the world, and it inspires generosity in others. It lets us come closer together and build stronger communities. It’s vital to strengthening the overall marijuana legalization movement, which NORML is a part of. Now, more than ever, we need to lift up and celebrate those values that bring us together, because together is how we will legalize America.