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Monday, June 20th, 2022


The Great Ron Paul

Lew Rockwell

Ukraine – a Modest Roadmap

Karen Kwiatkowski

Listening to My Father

Edward Curtin


Tho Bishop

Next Up: Shots for Infants

Tom Woods

FLCCC Treatment Protocol for Vaccine Injured

Alexandra Bruce

Joe Biden Calls for ‘Transition’ to ‘Zero Emissions’ Cars to Combat High Gas Prices

Charlie Spiering

FDA & CDC Are Approving the Covid Injections in Little Kids

Dr. Paul Alexander

‘Live in Fear, Liar’ Pompeo Says Soleimani Assassinated to Protect US Assets

Press TV

More Vaccine-Injured Pilots Speak Out as Groups Pressure Airlines, Regulators to End Mandates

Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.

The Engineered Stagflationary Collapse Has Arrived – Here’s What Happens Next

Brandon Smith

Stupid Is as Stupid Does

Brian Wilson

LRC Blog

Political Theatre
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