[1]Pramila Jayapal
Juneteenth is an important day in America — it’s a stark reminder of our
history. There’s been hard-fought progress towards justice and there’s so
much work yet unfinished.
On this day 157 years ago, slavery was finally ended in America. It was on
June 19th, 1865 that Union soldiers landed at Galveston, Texas with news
that enslaved people were now free.
I’m proud that our Democratic majorities and President Biden made
Juneteenth a federal holiday last year. But we can’t just move on.
Congress still has an enormous amount of work ahead — work to make
equality real and address nearly a century of oppressive Jim Crow laws in
I’ve spoken about these issues and I discussed them with my supporters on
this day last year. But these pressing issues aren’t going away and we
need to continue thinking about them and fighting for transformative
changes in our society. Here are some of the things I’m continuing to
think about today:
America’s for-profit health care system leaves Black Americans much more
likely to be uninsured than white Americans. Even when seen by a doctor,
our Black brothers, sisters, and siblings are less likely to get the care
they need. Black women are more likely to die during childbirth, have
nearly three times the odds of being hospitalized as white Americans, and
are nearly four times more likely to die from COVID-19. Every moment that
we refuse to guarantee health care, too many Black Americans are
America’s economy is deeply, deeply unequal. White families have 10 times
more wealth than Black families — a racial wealth gap that has gotten
worse, not better. This is because we live in a society and an economy
that simply does not address longstanding inequities, deprivation of
opportunity, or a lack of investment.
America’s housing system is based on devastating generational impacts that
used exclusionary redlining and financial practices to shut out people of
color and fuel racial injustice. This — combined with the lack of economic
justice — has caused the housing crisis for Black Americans, who now make
up more than 40% of those experiencing homelessness.
The neighborhoods that many Black Americans live in are perpetually
flooded with toxic dump sites and lack of access to clean air, safe
drinking water, and public lands. They are far more likely to be situated
next to highways and polluted areas that only worsen the health conditions
that exist because of lack of health care.
America’s education system institutionalizes discrimination to the extent
that the schoolhouse to jailhouse pipeline begins as early as
kindergarten. Black students are treated differently because of the color
of their skin: disciplined, suspended, and expelled for behavior that
elicits no response for white students.
Our justice system is patently unjust. At a time when we incarcerate more
of our citizens than any other country, Black Americans are being
imprisoned at more than five times the rate of white Americans. This is in
part due to a war on drugs that was actually a war on Black Americans,
locking them up and locking them out of opportunity.
You see, every single system is stacked on top of another — all
discriminatory and intertwined, threads of injustice that come together to
hold people back. That’s why I am working on and fighting for immediate
and urgent legislative solutions to address each of these
institutionalized disparities — like Medicare for All, a minimum wage of
at least $15 an hour, the PRO Act, the Housing is a Human Right Act, the
College for All Act, a Green New Deal, and so much more.
I didn’t come to Congress to fight for incremental change. I came here to
set things straight and to fight for what matters and what we deserve.
This Juneteenth and every single day, I pledge to you that I will stand up
to push for real change, in solidarity with the Black community and with
all of us who believe in a better world — a world that only we can shape
with our own hands and our own will.
Thank you for doing this work with me: with urgency, with generosity, with
the belief that we can change things if we work hard enough and urgently
In solidarity,
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