Dear friend,
Happy Father’s Day, a day we acknowledge the vital role fathers play in our families. I am a father of four. Although I have not been with them physically for over ten years, I still have a duty to help my wife instill principles and good manners in our kids. This is the 10th year I will not see my kids on Father’s Day due to an unfair and excessive sentencing disparity. Will you give a gift to FAMM to help right this wrong? |
FAMM fights for the EQUAL Act, legislation that would eliminate the racial disparity in crack and powder cocaine sentencing. For me, being home for Father’s Day would feel surreal. I can imagine my kids showing me how they love and appreciate me. Little do they know it’s because of them I strive so hard.
I am asking you to help FAMM stand up for fathers like me separated from their children! Every Father’s Day I miss my kids, but I believe FAMM will fight until this disparity is repealed.
Will you take time today and support FAMM in this fight to reunite fathers with their families? |
Thank you, Terrance Stanton for FAMM