Don’t wait though, we only have 400 and this offer closes at midnight tonight...

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June 19th, 2022





Do you ever drive alone at night without protection?


Do you ever walk the dog after dark?


If someone were to attack you, would you be prepared?

Do you want to protect your family without carrying a gun?

We have a fast, effective self-defense device you must have to stay safe!


Even if you are armed at all times, there is a 100% chance that someone in your family is NOT, and they need protection when you're not around.


Police suggest something you probably would never think of - carry a high-power flashlight that doubles as a self-defense weapon.


Police note that 93% of the time simply brandishing a non-lethal weapon will discourage attackers since they are usually looking for 'soft targets'.


Now you can get BOTH a flashlight and self-defense weapon in one intimidating package with this flashlight baton.  


Don’t wait though, we only have 400 and this offer closes at midnight tonight.




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