Hi team,

Friendly neighborhood campaign mascot, here reminding you that TOMORROW is Father's Day. I want to take the time to thank all the fathers, step-fathers, grandfathers, and father figures for being grrrreat!

Most especially I want to recognize my human Dad, Jon Roe, who is one of the most pawsitively amazing persons ever!

Here are some reasons why I love my dad:
  1. He's a people veterinarian!
  2. He throws the ball really far
  3. He loves my mom (almost) as much as I do
  4. He always gives extra treats
  5. He helps and supports my mom as she runs for Congress to make a happier and healthier Wisconsin!
My dad is paw-some, and it would be fur-bulous if you could join us in signing this card to help us show him our appreciation this Father's Day! >>>
Happy Father's Day. From Max!

Thank you,

Max the Campaign Mascot