
Our end-of-quarter deadline ends this month and it’s a big deal. So in a moment, I’ll ask you to split a donation between my campaign and Serve America to help us win this race and expand the Democratic Senate majority. But first can I explain why your donation is so important—especially right now?

Every three months, candidates for federal office must report their fundraising numbers to the Federal Election Commission. It helps keep politicians transparent and accountable. Our report will show exactly how much we’ve raised and how many folks have chipped in to help.

In a few weeks, we’ll have to make all of our numbers public for the first time since this officially became a two-way race. JD Vance, Donald Trump, and Mitch McConnell will pay close attention to our report, trying to find any weakness they can exploit.

Right now, Democrats have a razor-thin 50/50 majority in the Senate. The only way forward is to flip Ohio blue and expand the majority, but Republicans are hitting us with everything they’ve got to stop us.

That’s why it’s absolutely critical we raise $750,000—our most ambitious goal yet —to build the resources it’ll take to fight back against the GOP’s attacks.

If you can, please make split a donation between my campaign and Serve America to help us reach our end-of-quarter goal and report the strongest numbers possible. Anything you can give means a lot to me personally.


Unlike JD Vance, I’m counting on grassroots supporters like you to help us build a team strong enough to win. That’s why it’s so important you make a donation today if you can.

Thanks so much,

Tim Ryan