A lot of people think elections are about politicians – who's up, who's down, who's getting what seat. For those people, it's all a big game.

But I think elections are about people; all the people. In a democracy, elections are how we decide two things: What are our values? Who do we trust to do the hard work?

I've been elected three times in a district that Donald Trump won because folks know that I'll do the hard work and get things done.

What are my values? That government should help you make ends meet by lowering the cost of health care, child care, education, and more. That our young people can't wait another minute for our leaders to tackle the climate crisis and the gun violence crisis. That we should stand up for all those who put their lives on the line for us – our military and veterans; our doctors, nurses, teachers, and essential workers on the pandemic front lines; and our first responders, police, and fire fighters.

But in this race, one of my opponents thinks the job is getting popular on Twitter by saying strident things.

State Sen. Alessandra Biaggi not only said "We must defund the police," she actually called our law enforcement professionals "soulless," (New York Post, 2/7/22).

That's just wrong. And I'm not afraid to say it.

Those aren't the values of our community. They're not the values of Democrats in this district.

I'm asking you to put your values into action by joining me in this race. I can't do this alone. But with your help — your volunteer support, your financial donations, and your vote — we can make sure that our values win out in the end. Chip in $8 now to be a part of the movement!


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