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Dear Friends,
Today is Giving Tuesday!  This global generosity movement inspires people everywhere to follow the hustle and bustle of Black Friday and Cyber Monday with a day focused on giving where it matters most. Today, hundreds of thousands of people will pause to contribute to charities around the world. The Human Trafficking Institute invites you to partner with us on this day to decimate human trafficking in Uganda and Belize. Your gift makes freedom possible.  
In 2019, the Institute saw notable accomplishments in both of our partner countries: 
  • The U.S. Department of State released its annual Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report, which ranks 187 countries on how well they are combatting human trafficking. This year, after dedicated partnership with our team, Belize received an improved Tier 2 Watchlist ranking after receiving the lowest ranking for four consecutive years. 
  • Working closely with the Human Trafficking Institute, the Ugandan government created a new specialized Human Trafficking Department within the Ugandan police force. This new department has 250+ dedicated staff. 
  • Members of the Specialized Human Trafficking Unit in Belize moved into a new office space with a dedicated space for receiving and interviewing victims. They also received a new vehicle, allowing them to conduct investigations more efficiently across the country.
Your gift allows us to work inside criminal justice systems to empower police and prosecutors to stop traffickers. Each trafficker stopped means future victims won't have to spend years enduring the emotional and physical trauma of human trafficking or struggling to recover from it. Thank you for your continued friendship to us and support of this mission.
We invite you to join us and thousands of others on this global day of giving! Let's stop traffickers together! 
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The Human Trafficking Institute
2701 Prosperity Avenue, Suite 405
Fairfax, VA 22031