Dear John,

Today is Giving Tuesdaya global giving movement that brings together millions of people to support and champion the causes they believe in. (We bet that it is also giving you a very full inbox today!)
You make our work electing environmental champions, holding our elected officials accountable, and protecting Oregon’s natural legacy possible. 
By donating to OLCV today on Giving Tuesday, you ensure that we have the resources we need to fight for climate action and protect Oregon’s people and places in 2020 and beyond.
We need your support now more than ever. 2019 didn’t turn out as we had hopedinstead of celebrating a major climate victory, an unprecedented, anti-democratic walkout by 11 Senate Republicans stopped Clean Energy Jobs from passage. But we won’t give upClean Energy Jobs will be back next year and if the Legislature can’t pass it this time, we are ready to go directly to the people with a ballot measure. 
Support our work! There are two ways you can give: 
Become a sustaining donor! By becoming a monthly donor, you will save us resources and administrative costs so your donation can go further. Just click the box to "Make this contribution: Monthly" on the donate page.
2020 is shaping up to be a big year, with Clean Energy Jobs and three climate ballot measures on the table. If you are with us, I hope that you will make a donation to OLCV this Giving Tuesday. We can’t do this without you.
Thank you!
April Christenson, Development Associate OLCV

Paid For By The Oregon League of Conservation Voters
Oregon League of Conservation Voters
321 SW 4th Avenue Suite 600
Portland OR 97204 United States
Staying in touch via the Oregon League of Conservation Voters’ email list is the best way we have of keeping in regular contact with supporters like you and letting you know about the ways you can take action to protect the environment. You can unsubscribe from our supporter list, but if you leave, it will be harder for you to stay involved with OLCV and continue the work that you’ve been such a critical part of. OLCV wins environmental policy fights and elections because of dedicated activists like you, and we’d hate to see you go.