I wanted to reach out one last time before tonight’s deadline. We are just $1,200 short of our $5,000 goal, and need your help if we want to stay on track to victory this November.
We’re closing in on our mid-month fundraising deadline and we need to make sure we stay ahead so I can keep fighting for Social Security, gun violence prevention, and abortion rights in Congress. Can you chip in $10 today to help protect Connecticut’s future?
If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process now. |
John — We need government leaders who not only listen to constituents, but also care to take action to benefit you.
I’m all in on this fight for abortion rights, gun violence prevention, and Social Security — but these issues are bigger than just us. I need YOUR help, John, to continue to use my seat in Congress to fight for your rights, health, and safety.
We’re closing in on our mid-month fundraising deadline and we need to make sure we stay ahead so I can keep fighting for Social Security, gun violence prevention, and abortion rights in Congress. Can you chip in $10 today to help protect Connecticut’s future?
I want to continue fighting for you. Can you chip in now to help us spread our message across the district?
Thank you,