
After Trump won his FIRST presidential election, he spent his time taking on the corrupt Swamp special interests to secure our border and boost our economy to record highs…

States like Arizona benefited when he PUT AMERICA FIRST!!!

But now, Biden and his lap dogs like Mark Kelly have undone all that hard work. The crises that have come since they’ve taken over are hitting Arizona harder than perhaps any other state in the nation - simply put, their policies are destroying our home!
It’s only taken two years for them to get us here after they replaced Trump’s leadership with the same full-blown Socialism/Communism that has crippled other states like our California neighbors into wastelands…

That’s why our party continues to carry on Trump’s legacy to make YOU the top priority. We’re fighting to secure your elections, for your prosperity, and for your right to live safely and securely in your own home.

But we won’t be able to give them the resources they need to win without you. 

So join our America First State Party right now - help us save this battleground state from the Marxists who are destroying it by rushing in a $10 contribution today towards a November victory!
Thank you,

Pam Kirby
Executive Director
Republican Party of Arizona