“Jesus summarized his commandments in a single one: 'Love one another as I have loved you' (Jn. 15:12). To love like Christ loves means to put yourself at the service of your brothers and sisters, esp
“Jesus summarized his commandments in a single one: 'Love one another as I have loved you' (Jn. 15:12). To love like Christ loves means to put yourself at the service of your brothers and sisters, especially those in greatest need, as we are and with what we have.”  - Pope Francis 



This week, lawmakers passed a $300 billion budget bill to meet the June 15 deadline though several spending items are still unresolved.  The "placeholder" budget of sorts will allow legislators to continue to be paid until a final budget is passed by the fiscal year deadline of July 1.

Even with a $97 billion budget surplus, Governor Newsom and lawmakers have yet to agree on how to provide relief to Californians experiencing staggering inflation and increased housing prices, spending on education, and the limited versus ongoing funding of several social services. 

The most significant difference is how to help taxpayers keep up with rising gas prices, which hit record highs last week. The Legislature wants to send $200 checks to taxpayers and their dependents with incomes of up to $125,000 per year for single people and $250,000 per year for couples. Newsom wants to send $400 to all vehicle owners. Either way, Californians can expect another increase at the pump on July 1, when a scheduled tax increase is set to take effect. Governor Newsom and Republicans had previously asked the legislature to suspend the tax without success.

Newsom and legislative leaders will continue negotiations to solidify a spending plan before the start of the fiscal year on July 1.



CCC Executive Director Kathleen Domingo testified against SCA 10, the proposed constitutional amendment to enshrine abortion into the state constitution. 

View her testimony here.



As of mid-2021, there are more than 26 million refugees worldwide. Half of the world’s refugees are children. This number does not include more than 6.5 million people who have fled Ukraine since the beginning of the war. Nearly 90 million people have been forcibly displaced worldwide, and more than 30,000 people are displaced every day.

Catholics will be celebrating World Refugee Day on June 20 and are encouraged to welcome foreigners seeking the security and livelihoods they cannot find in their home countries. We, as Christians, are called to welcome our new neighbors with the same love and compassion we would want ourselves to be shown in a time of persecution. We are also called to support and care for refugees overseas who remain in tenuous situations.

You can use this toolkit from Justice for Immigrants that includes prayers, talking points, sample social media posts, and other ways to help you get involved. You can also find more ways to by visiting Catholic Relief Services. Please join us in praying and reaching out to those who are displaced and some of our most vulnerable brothers and sisters in Christ.


Fox News - Catholic bishops urge politicians to address 'alarming rate' of vandalism against churches, pregnancy centers

"In light of this, we urge our elected officials to take a strong stand against this violence, and our law enforcement authorities to increase their vigilance in protecting those who are in increased danger.  We thank those who have already done so, and we encourage them to continue," they added.

America Magazine - Two years after George Floyd’s murder, bishops’ task force fights against ‘collective sin of racism’

“After the murder of George Floyd, we knew a statement wasn’t going to do it,” said Auxiliary Bishop John Dolan of San Diego, who is heading up the task force. “We wanted to be proactive, so we got together with African American leaders and heard their story. Let them tell us why they think racism is still very much alive.” 

Washington Post - Abortion amendment moving quickly in California legislature

“This constitutional amendment as written will legalize and protect abortion up to the point just prior to delivery,” said Kathleen Domingo, executive director of the California Catholic Conference. “It is distressing that so many California legislators would sign their names to legislation that allows the taking of a human life moments before birth.”

Catholic News Service - California bishops oppose move to ‘enshrine’ abortion in state constitution

The California Catholic Conference “vehemently opposes” amending the state’s constitution “to enshrine the most extreme forms of abortion.”

Fox 40 Sacramento - California lawmakers fast-track bill on abortion, contraception

“SCA 10 is unnecessary. The sad reality is that California already has some of the most accommodating abortion laws and services in the nation,” Kathleen Domingo said.




June 17, 2022 | Vol. 18, No. 20

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