Fighting for American Agriculture
This week, I joined Republican Leaders from the Agriculture and Budget Committees and fellow House Republicans to introduce H.R. 8069, the Reducing Farm Input Costs and Barriers to Production Act which follows a letter we sent to President Biden earlier this week to support American agriculture and help lower food costs across the country.

President Biden's burdensome regulations and anti-agriculture policies are hurting our farms and domestic food supply chain. In Central Washington, we understand the best way to strengthen our food supply chain is to support our farmers and ranchers—not over-regulate them. This legislation will reverse this Administration's misguided policies to protect and promote American agriculture production, which will provide immediate relief to producers and lower food costs for families across the country.
Preventing Catastrophic Wildland Fires
With wildfire season officially upon us, it is imperative that we take precautions and prepare for potential wildfires in our communities. While wildfires have become an unfortunate part of life, we must actively work to prevent them from devastating our communities.

I introduced the Fostering Opportunities for Resources and Education Spending through Timber Sales (FORESTS Act) to encourage public-private partnerships for forest management projects, cut regulatory red tape, and reauthorize the Secure Rural Schools program our communities depend on

To prepare for this wildfire season, you can find more information on wildfire preparedness on
Equipping Local Law Enforcement to Stop the Plague of Fentanyl

Drug overdose deaths persist in Yakima County with fentanyl remaining the leading cause, said Yakima County Coroner Jim Curtice. "Fentanyl is still pretty high, the main culprit," he said Wednesday.

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Fentanyl is the leading cause of death in Yakima County, with a 34% increase in overdoses from 2020. President Biden's open border policy is allowing these drugs to flow across our southern border, infiltrating communities across the nation. His failed leadership and policies have prompted this epidemic.

I have introduced legislation to equip our local law enforcement with the resources they need to combat illegal drugs infiltrating our communities.

It is past time that we close our southern border—I am proud to champion this legislation that will save lives and combat the ongoing opioid epidemic.
Fighting Against a Socialist Agenda
The Biden Administration is attempting to impose more regulatory restrictions on American businesses by requiring them to report on all "climate-related risks."

I joined my colleagues this week in writing a letter to the Chair of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) demanding the SEC rescind its proposed rule immediately. The SEC must focus on its core mission: protecting investors and maintaining fair and efficient markets, rather than pushing a socialist agenda.

It is Congress' job to set environmental policy—not unelected regulators. I will continue protecting the best interests of Central Washington and the American people.
Stopping Our Reliance on China
Hospitals across the nation are seeing a shortage of intravenous contrast fluids, which are used in CT scans and MRIs. It is estimated that over 50 million exams that use this dye are conducted every year in the United States.

Unfortunately, we rely on China for these medical dyes, and the ongoing supply chain crisis and recent COVID-19 lockdowns in China have caused a nationwide shortage, which is only expected to get worse throughout the summer months.

I joined my colleagues in writing a letter to the Biden Administration urging them to take immediate action to resolve this shortage. It is past time we bring back American production of these products so we are no longer forced to rely on foreign adversaries.
Supporting Hydrogen Energy Technologies
Amidst an energy crisis, we must make sure that we are utilizing all of our resources available to bring down the cost of energy. While hydrogen is new to the mix, it is already playing a crucial role in helping our energy industry.

I introduced the Hydrogen Permitting Simplification Act this week to streamline the hydrogen permitting process for federal hydrogen programs if they utilize zero-carbon emission sources.

Central Washington is blessed to have the resources to exhibit an "all-of-the-above" energy strategy. I am a strong supporter of hydrogen energy technologies and I am proud to champion this legislation that will remove regulatory roadblocks.
We Must Restore American Energy Dominance

A year and a half ago, when President Biden was sworn into office, gas prices were $2.39 a gallon. Today, gas prices have more than doubled, averaging $5.01 per gallon. The Labor Department reported Friday that inflation rose to 8.6% in the 12...

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Washington No. 1 in catalytic converter theft

OLYMPIA - Washington state is number one in the nation in catalytic converter theft, according to a new report on national crime statistics...

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Stepankowsky column: Snake River dam removal still a bad ...

Should the four lower Snake River hydroelectric dams be breached to help restore endangered and threatened salmon runs? Here’s hoping common sense prevails and the two leaders steer away from that radical and massively expensive idea.

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