Hi there, John, it's Trudy. I know it's late, but I've got a lot on my mind keeping me up tonight.
As a nurse, as a mother, and as a grandmother, I'm really worried about the future of our country. Far too often, our leaders are choosing politics, partisanship, and their own careers over the people who they're supposed to serve.
Meanwhile, healthcare is getting harder and harder to afford, the opioid epidemic is continuing to tear our communities apart, prices for basic necessities are sky high, and it's getting so much more difficult for hardworking families to to get by.
So that's why tonight I'm up late worrying about our country and the families who are hurting the most right now. And here's the thing: I know that there are thousands of other Americans in this exact moment, unable to sleep, worrying about the issues facing their families.
I've promised that as senator, I'll put people first. For me, that starts with listening to the people who are up late worrying – people like you. So whether you're worried about how you're going to keep the lights on, how you're going to give your kids every opportunity to succeed, or how we're going to unite our country and heal the divisions between us, I want to hear from you.
So please, can you take just a minute or two to fill out my priorities survey and tell me what keeps you up at night? It would mean so much to hear from you. Here's the best link: https://surveys.signforgood.com/tbv-are-you-up
Trudy Busch Valentine