Hey JOHN, Carl here. I wanted to make sure you saw Steve’s message he sent out last night. I’m lock

Hey JOHN, Carl here.

I wanted to make sure you saw Steve’s message he sent out last night.

I’m locked in a tight race, and the GOP is not backing down. I’m up against millions of dollars in outside money and corporate donors – all because I want to give the 10th district the representation they deserve;

Can you chip in $20 now and help me hit my mid-month goal so I can compete with this GOP cash dump?



----- Forwarded Message -----

From: Steve Steinhardt
Date: Thu., June 16 2022 at 4:00 PM
Subject: Why Carl is the clear choice
To: JOHN <[email protected]>

Hey there JOHN –

Carl is hard at work on the trail, so I wanted to reach out and tell you why he needs your help in this race. Before I do, can you chip in a donation to fuel his campaign?

John James is not a candidate for the hardworking people of the 10th district. He’s run twice for Senate in Michigan and failed, while talking out of both sides of his mouth on his support for Donald Trump and his plans for office. He doesn’t even live in the district, so how could he know what its residents want or need?

Carl has lived in the 10th district his entire life. He’s prepared to do everything possible to give back to the community and bring clean jobs and a rejuvenated economy to Macomb County and the 10th. But he’s up against some major GOP money from the NRCC. He needs your help to fight back.

Can you make a contribution to help Carl reach his mid month goal, prepare for the end of Q2, and defeat John James?

This race is of the utmost importance, and we can’t afford to have an anti-choice, anti-democracy candidate represent this district.

Thanks for your time,



Carl is running for Congress in Michigan's 10th District. A lifelong Michigander, former prosecutor, former Probate Judge, and former Circuit Court Judge, Carl has the temperament, experience, and understanding of our district's issues to revitalize our economy and deliver for his constituents.

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Marlinga for Congress
155 S. Main #46232
Mt. Clemens, MI 48046

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Carl Marlinga,