What is the Clean Water Act?


The Clean Water Act of 1972 has been one of the most impactful (for good and bad) pieces of legislation in American history.

In fact, the Supreme Court will open its 2022-2023 term with PLF’s case, Sackett v. United States, to clarify the law’s definition of “navigable waters” and hopefully curb one of the law’s worst abuses. In advance of the October 3 oral argument, Jim Burling details the Act and why understanding it is critical to knowing how to improve it.

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Orange County Register: California schools are reviving the loyalty oath


California’s universities once required faculty to sign an anti-Communist oath. The effort wasn’t well-received then, yet today, California’s community colleges are on the brink of embracing a new loyalty oath that would force faculty to submit to a social justice agenda.

Ethan Blevins and Daniel Ortner explain that no matter the dogma, compelled submission to political beliefs is poison to free thought and the search for truth.

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A bureaucratic nightmare finally ends for California couple


When a sudden stroke left David Tibbitts confined to a wheelchair, he and his wife, Stephanie Heigl-Tibbitts, decided to rebuild their cramped 1930s-era house on the California coastal land they’ve owned since 1995.

But when the California Coastal Commission put their plans on indefinite hold, Jeff McCoy and Nicole Yeatman write, the Tibbittses fought back—and won!

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