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Subject Planners' Update Newsletter - June 2022
Date June 17, 2022 5:01 PM
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Summer connections; Growth Management Act WAC update; Draft methodology and guidance for HB 1220 coming soon; CHIP funding round 3

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June 17, 2022

Planners' Update Newsletter

Summer connections

Association of WA Cities logo

The Association of Washington Cities' (AWC) annual conference is back and in-person! There are over 100 cities from across the state currently registered and more expected to join. High profile speakers include the lieutenant governor, and a variety of relevant topics on racial justice, crisis communications, consensus building and equity.

The conference will be held at the Hilton hotel in Vancouver, Wash. Join us and enjoy reconnecting with colleagues on educational, thought-provoking and inspiring sessions. You can register online at AWC [ [link removed] ]. Elected officials earn 10 CML credits for attending.

Growth Management Act WAC update

*New drafts available June 22*

Growth Management Services will be releasing new drafts of the proposed changes to our administrative rules later this month. We revised Chapters 365-190, 365-195, and 365-196 of the WAC based on public feedback on the preliminary drafts. Formal public hearings will take place on July 26 and 27.

New drafts and our response to comments will be posted on the project website [ [link removed] ] on June 22. Submit comments on the proposed amendments to the administrative rules at

Contact William Simpson at for more information about this project. 

Draft methodology and guidance for HB 1220 coming soon

*Housing and racially disparate impact guidance*

House Bill 1220 (HB 1220) [ [link removed] ] amended the Growth Management Act (GMA) in several ways. It changed the Act’s goal for housing from “encourage the availability of affordable housing” to “plan for and accommodate” housing affordable to all income levels. It also added new requirements to the housing element which must be addressed with the next periodic update of plans and regulations spanning 2024-2027. As a result of these changes, Commerce is working on several guidance elements to be shared throughout the remainder of the year.

Commerce is required to project housing needs for all economic segments of the population, including emergency housing, emergency shelters and permanent supportive housing. Using the countywide population projection from the Office of Financial Management (OFM) as the base, Commerce is developing projections of housing need at the county level with recommendations for how those needs should be allocated to local governments. We are also developing guidance for other changes, such as addressing middle housing and accessory dwelling units.

The changes to the RCW 36.70A.070(2) [ [link removed] ] included significant requirements for local governments to examine racially disparate impacts, displacement and exclusion in housing policies and regulations. Commerce has been working with two advisory committees on projected housing needs and racially disparate impacts methodology and guidance.

The work products for the multiple housing elements and racially disparate impacts will be available for public review starting in mid-June. You can expect guidance materials to be posted for public review as follows:

* Guidance and tool for allocating projected housing needs – June 2022.
* Methodology for projecting housing needs by income level and special housing needs – Aug. 2022.
* Guidance on examining racially disparate impacts, displacement and exclusion in housing policies and regulations, and recommended policies to address them – Aug. 2022.
* Guidance on identifying sufficient capacity of land for all housing needs – Sept. 2022.
* Remaining guidance on making adequate provisions for existing and projected needs of all economic segments of the community – Dec. 2022.

Visit the project webpage for updates and project materials: Updating GMA Housing Elements [ [link removed] ].

Connecting Housing to Infrastructure Program

*Announcing third funding round*

With additional funds allocated to the Connecting Housing to Infrastructure Program (CHIP) during the 2022 legislative session, Growth Management is pleased to offer a third round of CHIP funding this summer.

The program connects affordable housing to water, sewer and storm water, and pays for waived system development charges. There will be $7.6 million available in the third round, with $4.1 million for utility connections and $3.5 million for waived system development charges. 

The grant uses ZoomGrants [ [link removed] ], with an application window from July 11 – Aug. 26, 2022. Applications from any city, county, or utility district with a sales tax for affordable housing are eligible to apply. However, to ensure equitable distribution of funds, applications outside of Seattle and King County will be given prioritization. Third round funding requests are limited to $1 million. Unfunded jurisdictions from rounds one and two will need to reapply to seek funding. 

Visit our grants page [ [link removed] ] for additional information and the round three application. There will be an online application workshop at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, July 19. Register here to attend [ [link removed] ].

If you have questions, reach out to our CHIP program manager at

Defense Community Compatibility Account

*DCCA funding coming soon*

The purpose of the DCCA program is to provide a statewide framework for evaluating and prioritizing projects that enhance the economy, environment and quality of life opportunities for local communities affected by the presence of military installations. Funding for projects is contingent on legislative appropriation, which is based on a project list submitted to the Legislature by Commerce. 

*2022 project solicitation *

A new round of project applications will be open Aug. 1 – Sept. 15. Applications will be reviewed and scored to develop a ranked list to include in the 2022 Legislative report. Application materials are currently being developed and will be posted on the DCCA webpage [ [link removed] ] in the coming weeks.

*Project eligibility *

A wide variety of compatibility-related projects are eligible for the program, including the following list per SSB 5748 [ [link removed] ].

* Projects to jointly assist in the recovery or protection of endangered species, dependent on military installation property for habitat.​
* Projects or programs to increase the availability of housing affordable to enlisted military personnel and non-military residents in the local community.​
* Projects to retrofit existing uses to increase their compatibility with existing or future military operations.​
* Projects that aid communities to replace jobs lost in the event of a reduction of the military presence.​
* Projects that improve or enhance aspects of the local economy, environment, or quality of life impacted by the presence of military activities.​

Applicants must be local governments, federally recognized Tribes, or other entities in an agreement with a state military installation under the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration Program.

Washington Geological Survey adds webpage
for planners

Washington Department of Natural Resources

The Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) continues to expand support for local governments and planning with a new portal to the Geological Survey’s planning resource page.

Read about planning support for the Growth Management Act on the DNR website [ [link removed] ].

Increasing transportation options and access: Local success in Washington cities

*Join June 28 webinar on transportation options*

The Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC) is hosting an hour-long webinar beginning at 11 a.m. on Tuesday, June 28.

Municipal Research and Services Center logo

Representatives from the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and the cities of Olympia, Spokane, Stanwood and Redmond will discuss what they’re doing to increase transportation options and reduce vehicle miles traveled. These efforts support multiple community goals, including climate action, economic development and place making.

There is a cost of $35 for the webinar. It also includes a one hour credit for CM with the American Planning Association and CML with the Association of Washington Cities.

Learn more and register here [ [link removed] ].

Upcoming Planners’ Forums dates

The Planners’ Forums are quarterly events held regionally across Washington state and in partnership with both the Washington APA [ [link removed] ] and the Planners Association of Washington [ [link removed] ]. Each one features guest speakers discussing planning related topics in association with the guidelines set down by the American Planning Association [ [link removed] ]. The forums are on Zoom.

* *Eastern Planners’ Forum – *9 to 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, July 27

Remember, folks needing American Planning Association (AICP [ [link removed] ]) credits will receive credits for attending based on topics covered. Learn more about Commerce’s regional forums at the Growth Management Planners' Forum webpage [ [link removed] ].

Short course on local planning

The Short Course on local planning offers an overview of land use planning laws in Washington, an introduction to comprehensive planning and plan implementation under the GMA, and a review of roles in planning and mandatory training on the Open Public Meetings Act for local government officials. All courses are online, free and open to the public. Following a break for the summer, courses will resume in the fall with the new schedule announced in July.

*Ask about local presentations*

Commerce also offers e-visits to local planning commissions or other meetings. Contact your regional planner [ [link removed] ] to request a presentation. Topics include, but are not limited to, comprehensive plan basics and roles in the planning process.

Subscribe to our Planners' Update Newsletter

Do you have new staff or know of someone who would like to learn more about planning news in Washington? Please share these easy steps to subscribe to Commerce's Growth Management mailing list and receive our monthly Planners' Update newsletter:

* Visit [ [link removed] ]
* Scroll all the way down to the "Subscribe" section in the page footer.
* Enter your email and click "submit" to choose subscriptions you would like to receive. (You can unsubscribe from any list at any time.)
* Under the “Public Infrastructure” category, select “Growth Management” to receive this newsletter and other GMS updates.


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Commerce works with local governments, businesses, community-based organizations and tribes to strengthen communities. The department’s diverse portfolio of more than 100 programs and effective public and private partnerships promote sustainable community and economic development to help all Washingtonians thrive. For more information, visit [link removed]. For information on locating or expanding a business in Washington, visit [ [link removed] ].

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