Hi John,

Just last year, I joined my colleagues in Congress in passing a long-overdue bill making Juneteenth a national holiday, officially commemorating Black Americans’ emancipation from slavery. Celebrating this momentous occasion brings me hope and reignites my commitment to the ongoing efforts to build a country in which everyone can succeed and thrive no matter the color of their skin. My offices will be closed on Monday, and we invite you to join us in observing Juneteenth and honoring those who came before us in the fight for freedom. It is my hope that by acknowledging our shared history – including the lasting impacts of slavery - we might illuminate the path to a more just and equitable future for all.

With that, here’s an update from a busy week in Washington:

Truth Will Prevail

Last Thursday - seventeen months after we were trapped together in the House gallery while insurrectionists attacked the U.S. Capitol - I reconvened with members of what became known as the Gallery Group to observe the first hearing of the bipartisan January 6th Select Committee. I encourage you to watch the hearings for yourself to learn about what led up to the events of that day and who was responsible - and then join me and principled patriots of all political persuasions in working to ensure it never happens again.

I attended the first January 6th hearing with members of what became known as the Gallery Group, and look forward to uncovering the truth in the hearings to follow.

Based on what I have seen and learned so far, I pity the insurrectionists; my malice instead lies with the former president and all those who encouraged and enabled him and those who continue to spread dangerous lies intended to undermine the rule of law. Future generations must be aware of what took place in the U.S. Capitol that day and resolve to preserve, protect and invest in our fragile democracy.

Return of the People's House

So, where do we go from here? There is no simple solution, but I believe restoring Americans’ faith in government starts with conversation and reaffirming the simple truth that, as Americans, there remains more that unites us than divides us. That's why I'm thrilled to be welcoming Minnesotans to the Capitol after a long hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Once again, we are able to enjoy donuts, conversation, and tours of our temple to democracy as part of our weekly Donuts with Dean gathering, held each Friday when the House is in session.

Welcoming Minnesotans to Washington is one of my favorite parts of this job, and I couldn't have asked for a better group to kick off its return.

If you will be traveling to Washington, DC, we'd love the opportunity share some - conversation - and donuts – while you’re in town! Click here for more resources that might be helpful in planning your next visit to our nation’s capital

Future of Freedom

Every year, I have the honor of nominating extraordinary young people to one of the five U.S. Service Academies. They represent the future of leadership in both the armed forces and in our communities, and I hope you will join me in celebrating their appointments:


Play Button

Here's to you, future Midshipmen and Cadets! Congratulations, good luck, and thank you for your commitment to serving our country and community. I know you'll make us all proud.

Preventing Gun Violence

Keeping our communities safe from gun violence requires action. There's no easy cure for our nation’s gun violence epidemic, but that doesn't excuse the dysfunction that for far too long has prevented Congress from making progress. That’s why, I recently helped pass H.R. 7190, the Protecting Our Kids Act, in the House. This bill would save lives by raising the age to purchase semi-automatic rifles from 18 to 21, prohibiting the sale of high-capacity magazines which have been used in some of the deadliest mass shootings, subjecting the purchase of currently untraceable “ghost guns” to background check requirements, cracking down on gun trafficking and straw purchases, and strengthening safe storage requirements. I also cosponsored and helped pass H.R. 2377, the Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order Act, which allows family members or law enforcement to petition judges to temporarily remove weapons from individuals going through times of crisis.

I'm tired of the unwillingness of my colleagues to act on gun violence, listen to me discuss my frustrations and the future of gun legislation with Chad Hartman.

After numerous stalemates in Congress, a bipartisan group of 20 Senators recently announced a breakthrough agreement to address gun violence last weekend. Their framework includes funding to states so they can implement red-flag laws, funding for mental health and school safety, preventing domestic abusers from buying weapons, fighting gun trafficking and straw purchasing, creating enhanced background checks for those under 21, and enforcing more federal background checks on commercial gun dealers. I believe cooperation is the foundation for progress. Is the Senate's gun violence prevention framework comprehensive? No, but it does move us towards a safer union. The world is watching what we do next – and the time to act is now.    

Frontline Worker Pay

From health care to child care and food service to education, frontline workers took care of Minnesotans when we needed it most, and I want to make sure those workers and their families get the support they deserve. If you or someone you know worked on the frontlines during the pandemic, you may be eligible to claim a Frontline Worker Pay Program check from the State of Minnesota. Applications for Frontline Worker Pay are open through July 22, 2022, so check your eligibility and apply today!

Did you work on the frontlines during the pandemic? See if you are eligible for a bonus and start your application today!

Please note that frontline worker bonuses are administered by the State of Minnesota, not by the federal government, so for help completing the application, please email [email protected] or call (866) 333-7633. 

Keep in touch, and keep the faith,


Dean Phillips

Member of Congress


                                            Bill of the Week                

✔️ H.R. 7606, the Lower Food and Fuel Costs Act

Right now household spending on groceries is $148 per week - a 4% increase from the same time last year. It’s hard to worry about anything else when families are struggling to get food on the table. a 4% increase from the same time last year. It’s hard to worry about anything else when families are struggling to get food on the table. That’s why, today, I voted yes on the Lower Food and Fuel Costs Act. This bill will shore up the food and agriculture supply chain, assure fair competition in the meat and poultry sectors, and lower food and gasoline costs for the American consumer.



                                         Resources For You 

My team and I are here to serve every person and every corner of our community. I want to make sure you have the resources you need to succeed:

  • Register to vote: Democracy doesn’t work without engaged citizens like you. Registering to vote in Minnesota is simple and secure. Check your registration status, see who is on your ballot, and make a plan to vote at MNvotes.org.
  • Claim your Frontline Worker Bonus Check: Minnesotans who worked in essential jobs at the onset of the pandemic can now apply for one-time bonus checks. Applications are open until July 22nd, visit frontlinepay.mn.gov for more information. 
  • Find savings near you: From gas to groceries, and childcare to healthcare, I’m hearing from Minnesotans who are struggling to keep up with the rising costs of essentials. Visit phillips.house.gov/inflation to find lower prices near you.
  • Nominate a Vietnam-era veteran: As a Gold Star Son and Member of Congress, I’m honoring Vietnam-era veterans in our area. Visit phillips.house.gov/Vietnam to nominate the veteran in your life for an official commemoration. 
  • Look before you book: Do you have international travel plans on the horizon? Make sure you are prepared before you book! Visit https://travel.state.gov/ to check your passport expiration date, apply for a passport, and much more.
  • Order FREE COVID-19 tests: Keep yourself, and those around you, safe by getting tested if you’re feeling sick or have been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19. Order eight FREE at-home tests for your family from USPS here. 
  • Get your FDA-approved vaccine: Your decision to get a safe, free, and effective COVID-19 vaccine impacts our entire community. Everyone 5+ is eligible, so visit mn.gov/covid to find yours.

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Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2871
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13911 Ridgedale Drive, Suite 200
Minnetonka, MN 55305
Phone: (952) 656-5176