Greetings Volunteers,

Share this attachment to everyone!

Campaign Intake Department 
email:  [email protected]

On Thu, Jun 16, 2022 at 3:07 PM Krystle Matthews <[email protected]> wrote:
Greetings Volunteers,

Thank you for your votes and support on June 14. We still have a lot to do, and we need your help.  Krystle Matthews is one tough mother who is fighting for changes in her district, and is determined to make a meaningful impact as South Carolina’s next US Senator.

We're asking all volunteers in SC to call voters and urge them to VOTE for Krystle Matthews.  Use this link to get started
  • Bring it Home SC spreadsheet is attached, please document. We start today!
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact [email protected]

"Hello, my name is Jane Doe and I'm a volunteer for the Matthews for Senate Campaign.   We need your vote for Krystle Matthews on June 28. Can we count on your vote?"

  • Additional Information: Early voting is Wednesday, 6/22/2022 - Friday, 6/24/2022 and Run Off Election is Tuesday, 6/28/2022
  • If they want to support further please view the website:

Let's get it, Let's go!

Thank you, 
Campaign Intake Department