Hi John,
Thanks for signing up to HOPE not hate.
Right now, a trial is underway at the Old Bailey of six alleged members of National Action, a banned as a terrorist organisation. One of the six has also been charged with planning to murder the Labour MP Rosie Cooper and a woman detective, and another with assisting in that plot.
This trial has come about due to the direct work of HOPE not hate. Our CEO, Nick Lowles, our Head of Research, Matthew Collins, and one of our informants will be key prosecution witnesses. 
There is a limit on what we can say publicly over the course of the trial. You can follow coverage from the court on our website, and we’ll be updating our Facebook page from time to time too.
At the end of the trial we’ll be free to tell the real story of how National Action were stopped in their tracks - we look forward to sharing more detail with you then.
Thanks for your support,
The HNH team
P.S. HOPE not hate is Britain’s leading anti-fascist and anti-racist organisation. We use tried and tested research methods to track, and expose, extremists, along with grassroots and online campaigning to defeat the far right. We rely on small donations from supporters to do the work we do. If you can support us, anything you give will make an impact on our work. Click here to donate.