This Sunday, June 19, marks the 157th anniversary of Juneteenth,
the day when the news of abolition finally reached enslaved Black
people in Texas — a full two and a half years after the passage of the
Emancipation Proclamation.
Juneteenth is a day that honors and celebrates Black
freedom and Black resistance. Last year, it was finally
recognized as a federal holiday — a testament to decades of organizing
from Black Texans like Opal Lee.1
This year, we invite our multiracial community of Jews and allies
to join Juneteenth celebrations, read reflections, and explore
resources created by Black Jews and Black Jewish-led organizations.
Here are a number of ways you can honor Juneteenth this year
in commitment to organizing for the full and complete freedom of Black
people in the United States:
Celebrate Juneteenth with a Kabbalat Shabbat — a musical service of
freedom, joy, and liberation led by Jewish spiritual leaders of

Presented by Kol HaPanim and the Atlanta Jews of Color Council,
this special Juneteenth service centers the voices of Black Jews and
honors this 150-year-old holiday through a Jewish lens.
Join Rabbi Sandra Lawson, Dr. Koach Baruch Frazer, and Rabbi Josh
Lesser TONIGHT, Friday, June 17 at 7PM
ET for this joyous celebration — register
now to catch the livestream (or attend in person if you’re in
This event is led by Jews of Color and open to everyone of all
faiths and observance levels.
WEEKEND: The Jews of Color Initiative has assembled a list of events,
resources, and readings for Juneteenth 2022 that center Black Jewish

We invite you to visit their website and spend part of your time
this Juneteenth reading reflections on the meaning of this holiday
from Black Jews. Check
it out.
Juneteenth has been celebrated as a holiday by the descendants of
enslaved Black Texans for generations. As the holiday gains national
recognition and observance, it’s important for us to learn from and
center the narratives and lived experiences of Black Texans,
descendants of enslaved Americans, and Black Jews in our
Writing in Kveller in 2020, one year before Juneteenth became
recognized as a federal holiday, Marcella White Campbell shared:
"If one of us is not free, none
of us is free. If anyone’s humanity is called into question, that
should shame all of us. Juneteenth is the day that all my Black
ancestors were finally free, but that means it is also the day America
became free, at least by law."
can read the full piece on Be’chol Lashon’s website.
This Juneteenth, we recommit to the long struggle to dismantle
white supremacy and build a country where all Black people are free,
safe, and thriving.
In community,
The Bend the Arc team
1. NPR, One
Woman's Decades-Long Fight To Make Juneteenth A U.S. Holiday