Friend --
Action NC is forging new ground as a multiracial grassroots
organizing collective committed to building power with and among
people in North Carolina
Our work throughout 2019 has been focused on both breaking barriers
and building bridges. As we look toward 2020, we want to amplify the
extraordinary work we have been doing and we need your help to do it.
On this #GivingTuesday we ask that you join in creating a
stronger, vibrant, and inclusive North Carolina.
Building Bridges
We have been building bridges with RAGE. Action NC’s Race and
Gender Equity initiative is creating and deepening alliances among
Black and Brown women across the state to increase our political and
personal power.
We have been building bridges among law enforcement, public health
officials, and community activists to combat gun violence in our
We have been building bridges among immigrant communities and legal
services as we work to secure universal representation for immigrants
facing deportation.
Help Support Our Work!
Breaking Barriers
We have been breaking barriers in healthcare reform and advocating
with state and federal partners to dismantle price-gouging practices
among pharmaceutical companies.
We have been breaking barriers by supporting people in low-income
communities to organize and advocate for themselves to create
stronger, healthier and safer communities.
Action NC: We are 5000 members, we are North Carolinians, we are
black women, we are Latinx men, we are young people, we are seniors
citizens, we are the ones we have been waiting for. Your support today will ensure that we all
continue to build bridges and break barriers together.
Help Support Our Work!
Action NC http://www.actionnc.org/