Working and engaging with men is essential to ending gender-based violence. This Father's Day, learn what work FUTURES does with men.  Email not displaying correctly?
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Happy Father's Day!

We wish you a happy Father's Day, and want to share some of our work to end gender-based violence.

Like you, we’re looking forward to Father’s Day on Sunday. Books, ties, and breakfast in bed are nice, but our engagement with dads, men and boys goes far beyond just one day each year. In fact, at Futures Without Violence, we’ve pioneered innovative ways to work with men to change the culture, prevent and stop violence, and build healthy communities. We’d like to catch you up on some of that work.

We’re taking our much-heralded, highly effective Coaching Boys Into Men program to countries around the world – most recently, to Egypt, Tanzania and Kenya – to help others combat gender stereotypes and advance equity. Since 2001, this program has provided high school athletic coaches with the resources they need to prevent harassment, and sexual assault.

We’ve created a powerful new workbook for fathers who have harmed their partners and families and want to change. How Do You Want Your Kids to Remember You? is designed to help motivate fathers to change by making them aware of the effects of violence on children. It offers practical exercises that fathers can do on their own, or with support, to begin the difficult journey of transformation and healing.

Finally, I’m thrilled to share our new National Strategy Center on Engaging Men to End Gender-Based Violence. This groundbreaking new initiative is built on our long experience working with men and boys and aims to inspire  men to help stop violence and abuse. The new website offers principles and considerations for initiatives that engage men, resources and tools for men’s programming, contemporary research, and much more.

I hope you will explore these programs and share your reactions, ideas and thoughts with us by replying to this message. And we hope you can spend Father’s Day with some of the men you cherish in your life!

​​​​​​With respect,
Esta Signature

Esta Soler
Founder & President

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Futures Without Violence
100 Montgomery St.
The Presidio
San Francisco, CA 94129
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