It’s the battleground state of ALL battleground states

Stacey Abrams. Raphael Warnock. The future of democracy as we know it.

This November, it's ALL about GEORGIA!

We're supporting Georgia Democrats, and we need your help. Chip in immediately to help us keep Georgia BLUE >>>

Georgia is the center of the universe this election year, John.

It’s the battleground state of ALL battleground states, and we’ve got TWO of our best Democrats running to keep it blue: Stacey Abrams and Raphael Warnock.

And both of those races are TOSS-UPS!

We’re doubling down on our support of Georgia Democrats, and we need your help. Will you chip in any amount now?

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Every signal election expert agrees: Georgia’s races are going to be THE closest in the country. And Republicans are ALL IN on trying to undo the hard-earned progress Georgia has made.

We won’t let it happen!!! Chip in whatever you can now >>>

Deliver Democracy is a powerhouse Democratic grassroots organization dedicated to safeguarding democracy by defeating the GOP in Congress.

The GOP has declared and all out war on democracy. It's up to us to right back and keep them out of power for good.

This is a people-powered campaign and we need your support. Donate now to help fight back!


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Contributions or gifts to Deliver Democracy are not tax deductible.

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PAID FOR BY DELIVER DEMOCRACY PAC 611 Pennsylvania Ave SE Ste 143 Washington, DC, 20003- 4303, USA

611 Pennsylvania Ave SE Ste 143
Washington, DC 20003
United States