Calling on the Fair Food Nation: Giving Tuesday is here, and we need your help to keep the Fair Food movement strong!
Today is Giving Tuesday, the day millions of people across the country set aside as a reminder to donate to their favorite charities, giving whatever they can to build stronger communities and a better, more just society. For the women and men in America’s fields and their families, the proven, powerful program best equipped to do just that is, unequivocally, the Fair Food Program.
For nearly twenty years, consumer allies have fought with love and determination alongside farmworkers and their families to uproot abuse and exploitation from America’s fields. Through countless delegations to Immokalee, presentations in schools and churches from coast to coast, and high-spirited actions, we have built an unstoppable force for change, winning powerful agreements with once-untouchable corporate giants. And through those agreements, we have built the Fair Food Program, ushering in an unprecedented era of rights, respect, and dignity for farmworkers.
And just yesterday, two of those allies who have marched, fasted, and stood alongside farmworkers for countless years have stepped up to propel the potential of Giving Tuesday even further for the Fair Food Nation: Sue and Phil Carter have pledged a $5,000 match to the Fair Food Program in acknowledgment of Giving Tuesday!
Here is Sue’s message, in her own words: